Wireless Presentation System. Communication. Collaboration

Wireless Presentation

Wireless presentation system that connects multiple attendees in the meeting room to a main Display quickly and efficiently – is as simple as connecting to your Wi-Fi network. Any assistant can take your content to the foreground with a simple click or pass.

With the Wireless Presentation System Montage passing control to the presenter becomes a thing of the past, everyone’s contribution is available as and when required.

With file sharing and annotation capabilities, the meeting actually ends when the meeting ends – eliminating reporting tracking, note taking, and updated content distribution.

BE AT the meeting, DO NOT ATTEND the meeting


Montage provides more complete wireless presentations and participation by all attendees sustained video and voice means that users do not miss important information.

Meeting attendees can wirelessly present both in the room and remotely and communicate with each other at the same time, saving time and increasing productivity.

Assembly together provides the content and the people you need in a meeting no matter where in the world they are.

Security and Privacy

All data transmitted through Montage has full protection with enterprise full-level encryption for all attendees (both in the room and remote).

Data is communicated through TLS and DTLS and protected with asymmetric cryptography at 2048 bits with a symmetric 256-bit session key.

Choose what you share – the total control of what you share, voice, video, screen – even what application, window or screen you want to share in the Montage session.

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